We are the International Transpersonal Center Holos
In Center Holos, we care for people's mental health with methods of transpersonal psychology, which enable resolving the root causes of problems through experience. Thus, we are able to successfully treat an array of mental issues without any medication. People also have the option of accommodation in our safe and supportive environment.
The story of Center Holos begins in the late 90s, when Milan Hrabánek returned from Italy, where he collaborated with Stan Grof on the training in holotropic breathwork and transpersonal therapy. After his return, he then in 2003 founded the civic association Holos, which over time evolved, with the help of dozens of volunteers and sponsors, into the current International transpersonal center Holos with the capability of accommodating up to 30 people, therapeutic team and 400 clients each year.
Our mission is to give people access to mental health care that is based on the insights of transpersonal psychology and that utilizes holotropic states of consciousness.
Our way to achieve it is the realization of projects in several areas:
Establishment, operation and development of the Center Holos, as an exemplary place for work with holotropic states of consciousness, with the possibility of creating new centers in future.
Education of future professionals – we run the international psychotherapy training Grof® Legacy Training –Holos, which currently includes 48 participants.
Raising public awareness – we organized hundreds of hours of lectures, several conferences and publication of many books. Between 2014 and 2018 we organized the program of Stan Grof in Czechia and in Poland, co-hosted the Czech transpersonal conference, the International Transpersonal Conference Prague 2017 and the conference for 75th anniversary since the discovery of LSD.
We cooperate with key Czech and foreign partners on various projects.